
Welcome to Podtours!

Rose window in Chartres cathedral

Your personal sightseeing guide to Europe

Houses on Burano, VenicePodtours™ are mp3 tours you can play on your iPod or mp3 player - made to give you all the benefits of a guided tour with the flexibility of independent travel. Our podtour packages of European destinations - cities, cathedrals, palaces - let you go at your own pace while you're sightseeing. We show you the art and architecture, tell you about the history and the lives of artists and their patrons. And we show you what's really special, sometimes the highlights, and sometimes off the beaten track.

Unlike some audio tour companies, we make sure that all our tours are narrated by the people who've done the research - we've actually been there, and we want to share our enthusiams - and a few pet hates! - with you.

We've also got a lot of resources on this site if you're planning a trip to Europe, or interested in the art and architecture or the traditional customs you'll meet. Whether you're heading off for Italy, visiting French cathedrals, or taknig a weekend break in England, you'll find something for you here.

All our podtours™ have a link to Payloadz, a site which handles digital downloads. You need to have to purchase from this site. Payloadz will then redirect you to a secure download page to complete your download.

Go and find a podtour now!