Audio tour of Salisbury Cathedral
The purest Gothic building in England
Salisbury is one of the best known of England's cathedrals, and it deserves its fame - it's a marvellous work of the early Gothic, a simple yet elegant style. Almost the only thing to be added after the original building was the delicate spire for which it's celebrated - otherwise, you can see it now almost as it was on the day of its consecration in 1258.
But the cathedral also contains a marvellous display of tombs and chantry chapels from later periods - a complete education in architectural style and the history of costume!
Our podtourâ„¢ will take you through the cathedral, explaining the architecture and taking you into the world of the medieval bishops. On our way we see some fine tombs, some delightful glass engravings, and find out how one shrine held the bodies of both a saint and a sinner - at different times.
Price: £2.75

Other things you'll want to do while in Salisbury:
- Take a walk out to Old Sarum, the original site of the cathedral and city on top of an Iron Age hill fort. Even if you don't want to take the time to go and look at the admittedly rather scant ruins, it's an impressive sight and well worth the trek.
- Walk out towards the water meadows for the best views of the cathedral.
- On Tuesdays and Saturdays the market place with its Gothic Poultry Cross is still used for its original purpose. (There were originally another three market crosses, each one used by a different trade.)
- Stonehenge (of which we have a Podtour) is not far away; another fine attraction is Longleat House, one of Elizabethan England's finest buildings and also home to a safari park.